Image of a group of ants

Science Photo Library/Getty Images


NGSS: Practice: Using math and computational thinking

Crosscutting Concepts: Scale, Proportion,and Quantity

Core Idea:LS2.A: Interdependent Relationships in Ecosystems

CCSS: Reading informational Text 5: Describe the overall structure of events in a text.

20,000,000,000,000,000 ANTS! 

(That’s 20 quadrillion!)

Here’s how scientists came up with that gigantic number

 Alex Hyde/

Courtesy of Patrick Schultheiss

Patrick Schultheiss

You’re at a park when you spot a tiny ant scurrying on the ground. You see another one . . . then dozens more! You wonder: How many ants are under our feet?

“The ants you see outside are a small part of a much larger colony,” says Patrick Schultheiss. He’s an ecologist who studies insect behavior. Each anthill can be home to a million ants!

Schultheiss and a team of researchers recently used math to estimate how many ants there are on Earth. The number they came up with is enormous: 20 quadrillion! As you might imagine, all those ants have a big effect on our planet.


Ants are small but important insects. There are more than 15,000 species of ants. They live on every continent except Antarctica in all kinds of biomes, from deserts to rainforests. And they play a big part in shaping ecosystems (see Ecosystem Engineers, below).

For example, many ants build tunnels underground. That loosens the soil, making it easier for plants to take in water and nutrients. Ants also spread plants’ seeds. They carry seeds to new areas and drop them in the dirt.

Additionally, ants are a key part of many animals’ diets, from anteaters to birds to spiders. And they keep ecosystems clean by breaking down leaves and wood, and eating dead animals.

Ant colonies work together to survive. Some types of ants link their bodies to form living bridges over obstacles.


How could Schultheiss and his team figure out how many ants there are on Earth? Tallying each ant would be impossible. So they decided to use ant counts that other scientists had already completed.

First, the team searched past studies for Formicidae (for-MIH-suh-dee). That’s the scientific name of the ant family. They found more than 1,300 studies in which scientists had counted ants. Some scientists scooped up leaves and dirt and totaled the ants they found. Others set traps and counted the ants that fell in.

Schultheiss’s team sorted the studies by the biomes where the ant counts took place. Next, they found the average number of ants per square meter for each biome. The team used these numbers to calculate about how many ants are in Earth’s biomes combined. That gave the scientists an estimate of the planet’s total ant population


The number, 20 quadrillion, was a big surprise to Schultheiss’s team. That’s 2.5 million ants for every human on Earth! 

“It reminds us of ants’ importance,” says Schultheiss. Without ants, many living things would struggle to survive. And Earth would be covered with dead things. “If ants disappeared,” says Schultheiss, “many ecosystems would change or even collapse.”

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