NGSS: Core Ideas: ESS3.D: Global Climate Change; LS4.C: Adaptation

CCSS: Reading informational text


Northern Arctic ice is melting. What will happen to the ringed seals that depend on it to live?

The Arctic Ocean is covered in ice for most of the year. It’s not an easy place to live. But it’s a perfect home for ringed seals. The ice gives them a place to rest. It’s where they raise their young. The ice is also a place to hide from dangers—like hungry polar bears.

But this sea ice is disappearing. That’s because Earth is getting warmer. Scientists say the cause is climate change. This is a gradual change in Earth’s average temperature and weather conditions.

Climate change is caused by too much greenhouse gas. These gases exist naturally. But people also create them by burning fossil fuels, like coal, oil, and natural gas. The gases build up in the atmosphere. This makes the air surrounding the planet get hotter. As a result, Earth’s waters also warm. This melts the sea ice that seals and other animals depend on. Scientists say the seals may not be able to survive these changes.


blickwinkel/Alamy Stock Photo

Warming Blubber
Seals have a thick layer of fat called blubber. It protects them from cold.

Earth’s North and South poles are sensitive to climate change. Ice at the poles melts when temperatures rise. This uncovers the ocean and land below. Water, trees, and soil are darker than ice. Their darker colors absorb more heat from the sun. This causes even more ice to melt.

“Seals depend on the ice,” says Peter Boveng, a biologist at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. He explains that seals climb onto ice to rest. They also raise their young on ice. The seals build snow shelters called lairs, where pups can feed and grow in safety.

For now, seals have enough snow and ice. They are able to build their lairs. But that could change if the ice and snow keep melting. The seals need at least 8 inches of snow to dig their lairs. Many scientists say that the amount of snow and ice will change a lot by the year 2100. They predict that there will be very few places snowy enough for the seals to survive. There may not be enough snow and ice for the seals to raise their pups.

Jim McMahon/Mapman® (map)


Scientists say that seals may have to travel north to survive. There should still be enough snow in these areas for seals to build lairs. Ringed seals that don’t head north may have to learn to raise their pups on land.

They might need to change their diet too. Ringed seals eat certain types of fish. They like Arctic cod. These fish love cold water. But they are being pushed out of their usual range by warmer water. Now it’s harder for seals to find fish to eat.

It’s unclear if ringed seals will be able to survive these changes. Scientists say cutting down fossil fuel use will help. Peter Boveng says countries must pass laws to limit the amount of greenhouse gases that enter the atmosphere. This could help save the ice ringed seals need to survive.

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