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A Complete Science Lesson in Every Issue

Exciting to Read, Easy to Teach

Introduce your students to the wonders of science and engineering with Science Spin. Every issue comes with powerful print + digital resources that save prep time and address key science skills. 

Lesson Plans and Standards Lesson Plans and Standards

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Engaging Videos

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Meet Today's Most Important Academic Standards

Science Spin helps teachers address all three dimensions of NGSS.  Throughout the year, we introduce students to 8 science and engineering practices, 12 core ideas, and a wide range of crosscutting concepts that span every scientific domain.

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Free articles and resources

Lego Master


A designer follows these steps to plan and build giant LEGO sculptures.

Amazing Rocks!

Earth Science

How some of the planet's coolest landforms were formed

Super Hearing

Physical Science, Life Science

Owls use their amazing listening skills to hunt at night.

Tracking Tigers

Life Science

Scientists have found a group of tigers in Thailand--which could save the animals from extinction.

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Grades 3–6 subscription.